Leaping Calf Farm is a diversified, pasture-based family farm on 75 acres, located in Flamborough, ON. We raise 100% grass fed and finished beef and lamb, and pastured poultry.  While we are not certified organic, we practice organic principles, using natural systems around us as a model. We are committed to raising our animals in a way that will regenerate the land that we are farming, produce consistently nutritious meat that is full of flavour, and develop healthy relationships with the community that we serve.

We achieve this through intensive rotational grazing, moving our animals to fresh pasture daily, and then allowing that land and forage to rest sufficiently.  This process regenerates the soil, encouraging growth and diversity, and increasing the health of the grassland ecosystem. Rotational grazing allows the animals to exhibit their natural foraging behaviours in a way that is environmentally responsible.  Our cattle and sheep are grazed on diverse pastures and are fed hay in the winter. Our chickens are pastured as well, and are supplemented with a locally grown, organic grain ration.